Rachana Pradhan

Idaho Dropped Thousands From Medicaid in the Pandemic鈥檚 First Years

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

The removals, detailed in emails between state and federal health officials, hinged on disagreements over how states could disenroll people during the public health emergency. Consumer advocates fear the alleged violation signals the mess to come on April 1, when the pandemic-era Medicaid coverage mandate ends.

Empresas de capital riesgo invierten en el negocio de los ensayos cl铆nicos de medicamentos. 驴Cu谩l es el riesgo para los pacientes?

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Para lanzar un nuevo f谩rmaco al mercado, la Administraci贸n de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) exige a las farmac茅uticas estudios exhaustivos para demostrar su seguridad y eficacia. Conseguir que un medicamento salga al mercado unos meses antes, y con menos gastos de lo habitual, puede traducirse en beneficios millonarios para el fabricante.

鈥業t鈥檚 Not a Haven鈥: With Limited Capacity for Abortion Care, Minnesota Clinics Brace for Influx

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

In Minnesota, where abortion rights are protected by the state鈥檚 constitution, legal doesn’t necessarily mean accessible. The state has just eight clinics that provide abortions, and both providers and advocates say resources available aren鈥檛 enough to meet demand as nearby states reduce abortion access.

As Omicron Surges, Effort to Vaccinate Young Children Stalls

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Just 18% of 5- to 11-year-olds are fully vaccinated, with rates varying significantly across the country, a KHN analysis of federal data shows. Pediatricians say the slow pace and geographic disparities are alarming, especially against the backdrop of record numbers of cases and pediatric hospitalizations.